Blueprint Process With Tammi Brannan

Having a Revolution by Going Into the Blueprint Process with Ryley Smith - Episode 134



I'm interviewing Ryley Smith, a great friend, and a client who shares the great results that he has been having since working in the Blueprint Process. Every day he understands his value more and sees the importance of the Process. Enjoy! The Blueprint Process host Tammi Brannan has a unique ability to see people's potential and success clues before they do. Throughout these conversations, you'll hear people's BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal - her favorite thing) and you may even identify your BHAG while you listen.   Links and Resources from this Episode For show notes, resources and additional information go to  Special Listener Gift Get a FREE 60-minute consultation with Tammi Email Tammi directly  Contact with Ryley Smith:    Show Notes Discovering his Blueprint and being in the graduate program - 1:55 Ryley's background and work - 2:14