Fit 2 Love: Physical, Emotional And Spiritual Fitness For The Happy Life You Deserve

Episode 96: The Truth About Bio Identical Hormones



After graduating from UC Berkeley and USC Medical School, Dr.Peters medical experience has included acting state epidemiologist with the Centers for Disease Control & Chief of Emergency Medicine for Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center. After  nearly 30 years of working in Emergency Medicine, Dr. Peters began showing signs of low energy, muscle weakness, reduced libido and depression. Upon leaving the ER and seeking to regain his own health he discovered he was experiencing Andropause (the gradual decline of hormone levels in men). Through changes in diet, lifestyle and natural hormone replacement therapy, Dr. Peters is now a walking advertisement for the benefits of his Nourishing Wellness Health program. As an advocate for preventative medicine, he has studied and trained with nationally recognized  lifestyle medicine experts and institutions including The American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine, The American College of Lifestyle Medicine and  Cenegenics Medical Institute where he became certified