Fit 2 Love: Physical, Emotional And Spiritual Fitness For The Happy Life You Deserve

Episode 140: What You Don't Know about Your Enemy



Rodger Sorrow is a certified trainer for The Center for Nonviolent Communication since 2001.  Nonviolent Communication (NVC) changed Rodger’s life.  It gave him a process to understand what was going on inside of him and express it without criticizing, blaming or making others wrong.  NVC gave him the tools to differentiate between what was happening and the story he was making up about it.  This opened the door to authenticity and accountability as he connected to his feelings and values and became empowered to express his truth openly and vulnerably.  At the same time there was now space inside him to see and connect with others.  Rodger can now hear others and what’s alive in their hearts.  This process is powerful and can support individuals, couples, groups and organizations find more connection and the win-win in any situation.     JJ Flizanes is an Empowerment Strategist. She is the Director of Invisible Fitness, an Amazon best-selling author of Fit 2 Love: How to Get Physically, Emotionally, and Spi