Business Growth Podcast

BGP 007 Jake Hower Automating Business Systems FuzedApp



In this interview, Spencer chats with Jake Hower from FuzedApp about how automating business processes with FuzedApp helps small businesses. Jake started FuzedApp to automate the processes in his own travel agency business in Australia. As he described what he was doing to other business owners, he found their was an interest to offer his system as a service to other entrepreneurs. As he is building the business, he is taking the old school approach Gary Vaynerchuck mentioned this week of actually picking up the phone and calling your customers to find out what they want and how it’s working for them. He is also extending that personal touch to hand written cards to each of the new customers. With a little over 20 customers at the time of the interview, he is still in the early stages of the game, but definitely gaining momentum as more business owners find out about the tool through word of mouth and social media. Currently, the system is focused on two platforms, Infusionsoft (Jake uses this) and Ontraport