Business Growth Podcast

BGP 015 Scott Paul Being A Growth Focused Entrepreneur



Scott Paul is the founder of ArmorActive, Voto, and Instafluence. He’s grown his companies to multiple millions and now uses his skills with other startups. ”An entrepreneur needs to always be growth focused and in fact they suck at everything else for the most part” 5:50 How Scott has “stumbled into everything” Be opportunistic and make sure you are open to changing and doing something different if what you’re doing isn’t getting the traction you want. 6:37 What drives you? Seeing something you put your hands on and watch it take flight. Doing something meaningful in a world where there are so few things that are meaningful. 9:32 Why he loves the digital world more than physical products 10:36 After investing over $300,000 into his social networking app he explains why he loves apps so much. Making it is half the battle. Promoting it is where all fail. 21:00 The first thing I look to do when I’m starting a company is get that team Once you want to execute you need to build up a team “It’s important if you ha