I Love Madison Show

Connect To Your Community Via LinkedIn With Cathy Yerges, EPISODE #19



If you are looking for great places to eat, community events, business connections and recreational activities around Madison, WI, then you have come to the right place! The I Love Madison Show wants to help you connect to all of the great people and places this city has to offer. On today’s episode, Chris Sorenson highlights an amazing foundation that is working tirelessly to support the adoption of older orphans from Europe, Chris Reese interviews Nick Lenzendorf, a Madison local who recently moved from the Chicago area, and Neil Mathweg hosts featured guest Cathy Yerges to talk about the Madison LinkedIn Success Group, a local meetup that gathers at the Madison Dream Bank! Check out the I Love Madison Chef Show! The I Love Madison Show Vlog has just launched, so make you jump over to YouTube to watch, like and share! The Vlog is designed to highlight the culture in Madison, including the music scene, amazing places to visit, and a new segment called the I Love Madison Chef show! This segment will highlight