I Love Madison Show

Caleb Takes On The Madison Mallards, Art Fair On The Square Was A Huge Success, And We Road Trip To Milwaukee! EPISODE #31



This week, Caleb takes on the Madison Mallards, Neil and Caleb post a new Vlog for you to enjoy, as well as travel to Milwaukee to hang out with Quentin Allums, a LinkedIn influencer! The guys also highlight several local events, including the Art Fair On The Square, La Fête de Marquette, and the Madison Crossfit Games! Summer is in full swing here in Madison, and the I Love Madison show is here to help you enjoy it! Caleb Vs. The Madison Mallards Neil is always looking for new ways to challenge his co-host, Caleb Jahr. This week, Caleb stepped up to the plate to take on the Madison Mallards baseball team! Coach Donnie said if Caleb got ahold of a pitch, he would buy him a steak dinner...After merciless heckling and no small amount of doubt, Caleb hit an 85 mph fast pitch! It was a foul ball, but it still counts, and Caleb had himself a steak dinner on coach Donnie! Thanks to the whole Mallards team and staff, you guys are amazing! Art fair on the square and the La Fête de Marquette When summer hits, the resi