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Episode 21: The Art of Negotiation and Reading Body Language, with Greg Williams



Greg Williams is known as “The Master Negotiator and Body Language Expert.” With more than thirty years of experience in negotiation reading body language, Greg is often called on by TV news outlets to read the authenticity of politicians, entertainers, and other high profile individuals. Greg is also a widely regarded speaker, a bestselling author with seven books on the subject of negotiating, a coach and mentor.Greg is also a highly sought-after trainer who has presented negotiation training for international organizations such as Merck Pharmaceuticals, Bank of America, Mercedes Benz, and Unilever. Core to his training is the art of reading body language to get insights into the emotional state of negotiating partners, giving Greg’s students additional insights they can leverage in their negotiation to maximize the outcome.What You Will Learn:Greg shares his original dream of playing Major League Baseball, and how he got involved in the art of negotiation by watching his mother always negotiating for a bet