Fueling Deals

Episode 23: Exiting Your Business the Right Way, with Mike Finger



Mike Finger is the founder of Exit Oasis, a firm that specializes in helping business owners identify problems with their businesses that might make them less appealing to potential buyers. Mike is himself an entrepreneur who at one time felt trapped in his own previous business, desperate to sell but unable to find buyers. He had to learn essential skills and a different perspective to understand why nobody was interested in his business, and now he and his firm help other business owners avoid that same trap. Exit Oasis has one goal, and that is to help business owners learn how to leave. Exiting a business isn’t just the owner’s last deal, it’s also probably the most important deal they’ll ever do.What You Will Learn:Mike shares a story from his father about when Mike was a kid and his father left him a list of chores to do while Mike's father was at work, and Mike subsequently hired neighborhood kids to do those chores for him.Mike discusses his first business that he and his wife began five years after h