Fueling Deals

Episode 31: Capitalizing on Your Circumstances to Become a Successful Negotiator, with Cindy Watson



Cindy Watson is a highly sought after international speaker, author, and coach known for her passion, commitment, and ability to inspire. She is the founder of Women On Purpose and also the founder and managing partner of Watson Labour Lawyers In Toronto, Canada. Cindy has a proven track record of empowering and advocating for women as well as enlightening corporate environments on how to best address gender issues.As a coach, she empowers women to unleash and leverage their feminine power through the Art of Feminine Negotiation. She is the author of the upcoming Art of Feminine Negotiation: How to Get What You Want From the Boardroom to the Bedroom.As an attorney, she broke down barriers, fighting to further women’s rights, secure pay equity, break glass ceilings, and to end discrimination.Cindy inspires her clients to dig deep to rediscover their true purpose and take charge of their lives again.What You Will Learn:Cindy Watson’s story and how she became an expert negotiatorEmbracing ignorance to overcome r