Feng Shui & Livsstilspodden

Organization under the sink in the kitchen



Why is it so difficult to have the space under the sink in the kitchen organized. It’s always a mess there and that’s what I’m going to talking about in this episode. First I would like to invite you to my brand new online program Academy Of Simplicity It is the only program of its kind that gives you the unique tools to get your home work for you and having a simplistic and healthy life. Once you’ve learned the tools you have implemented your healthy life forever. Read more HERE!   I also want to invite you to my FREE Masterclass - The Roadmap to a well-organized home.  In the Masterclass you learn all you have to know before you go ahed and declutter, organize and design your home into an awesome place. It's easy to create the home you always wanted, but the path from thinking to really start doing it could be like to climb over a mountain. Why I’m doing this you may wonder and it’s so simple. I have decluttered and organized both my home and my clients home for decades and I know the good feelings