Feng Shui & Livsstilspodden

Boost your health by improve your morning routines



We have so much to do on our daily basis and I’m always working on to simplify my life more and more. A good idea could be to take a look at the morning habits and routines. Simplify and add just the good things that feels good. I know there are many ways and for me it has been my wardrobe. I have minimized the amount of my clothes and the results of that is stress-free mornings. I know what’s in my wardrobe and I also know what to wear. I don´t have to stay there too long and choose anymore, because I know my outfits very well. I have also implemented to write in my note book every mornings and listen to some nice meditation to set the foundation for the day. So, this is something I have done for myself and I know there are many who have struggles in the mornings to make time enough for everything, so I have made an audio training: How to get amazing mornings  It’s free and it also includes an amazing meditation. I hope you will like it and please send me your thoughts about it in a private message on in