Feng Shui & Livsstilspodden

Fear could hold you back



Why is it so difficult to trust on ourselves and listen to our intuition. Everything happens for a reason and I’m glad you’re here.   If we talk about life from the beginning and newborns. I think they are not afraid at all. Maybe just the sight of the bright light and that's why they're screaming. So why are we afraid as adults? I think there are many reasons for that, but I think we often listen to others too much and too little for ourselves. You know, when a brilliant idea pops into your head and you feel so happy when you think about it. You really think it's a good idea and that it's something you really want to do. But suddenly you start thinking about what others would say and then comes your fear of it, right?   We tend to listen to others more than ourselves and in my opinion that is not positive for us. It's great to have inputs from others, but they do not know about your thoughts and your good feelings you had when you got the brilliant idea. Maybe your friends think it's not a good idea at a