Feng Shui & Livsstilspodden

Take this out of your wardrobe today!



Today I’m talking about the wardrobe and what’s in there. I know I have been talking a lot of this item, but I think it’s very interesting and it’s also the space people often do first when they wants to declutter and simplify their lives. • Clothes that don’t fit your body • Clothes with tags • Clothes you don’t use • Shoes you never wear, because they hurt your feet • Clothes that you’re not comfortable in • Worn out clothes and clothes with holes or in need to be adjusted • Just in case clothes • Childrens clothes  I hope this will help you create some space in your wardrobe and I would be very happy if you email me your result and what you have accomplish. I’m looking forward to hear from you and maybe I can cheer you on.  The last weeks I have been working on a new website and I’m very excited to introduce it for you very soon.  If you like what I share in my channel, please leave a review in iTunes and don’t forget to subscribe.  If you want to reach me please send an email to: info@ylvamari