Sex Ed Before Bed

It's Normal for Sex to Take Work



With great attraction comes great sex, forever, right? Not so much.  Jessica Maxwell studies relationships and sex for a living. With Canadian roots, she's now an assistant professor at the University of Auckland. I learned things from her that I started applying to my own life as soon as the conversation ended. Topics of discussion Sexual fixed mindset vs. growth mindset What factors play into long-term relationship satisfaction?  How often are people having sex? Who else is thinking about how often people are having sex? A neat quiz to tell your partner what you want in bed (or out of it) The Orgasm Gap  What's the best way to meet someone we're compatible with?  How scientific are dating apps?  Double standards & myths  Fun Stuff Sex preferences quiz | Mojo Upgrade  Learn More  Jessica's website List of researchers Jessica mentioned along with media coverage of their work:  Terri Fisher | LA Times | Who lies more about sex, men or women?  Sam Joel | The Cut | It's All Too Easy to Ig