Sex Ed Before Bed

Rewrite Your Future: A Rape Prevention Program That's Working



1 in 5 university-enrolled women will experience attempted or completed rape. Rape is one of the most underreported crimes - 10% are reported.  A world without rape. A world where sexual violence is rare. This is the goal of Sara's work on Flip the Script, a new Canadian sexual assault prevention program for young cis and trans women to assess, acknowledge and act. This episode is a must-listen for every parent and every young woman.  We talked about how the program works and the positive impact it has had so far. We talked about how young women want to have these conversations about setting boundaries, understanding coercion and pondering what pleasure looks like for them.  We also talked about radical self-love and for women, trusting our gut!  Resources We Chatted About  Globe and Mail Article  Draw The Line Sexual Assault Centres Near You  Follow Sara's Work Insta @girls.resist Twitter @girls_resist About Flip the Script Sexual Assault Resistance Education (SARE) Centre