The Therapycast From Lcch International

The Therapycast Vol 2 No 8



In this podcast I explore some of the latest ideas regarding depression and share a fellow podcasters experience of living with and being treated for depression. Music A Strong Will is Needed by Derek Clegg DumTeeDum Podcast Dum Tee Dum can be found on iTunes: Their website is Detecting risk of depression Halldorsdottir, T., Piechaczek, C., Soares de Matos, A. P., Czamara, D., Pehl, V., Wagenbuechler, P., ... & Greimel, E. (2019). Polygenic Risk: Predicting Depression Outcomes in Clinical and Epidemiological Cohorts of Youths. American Journal of Psychiatry, appi-ajp. Brain Insulin Resistance and Depression Bădescu S, Tătaru C, Kobylinska L, et al.The association between diabetes mellitus and depression. J Med Life. 2016;9(2):120-125. Hamer J, Testani D, Mansur R, Lee Y, Subramaniapillai M, McIntyre R.Brain insulin resist