Zealous Conversations W/ Taylor Jay

Mind Makeover



**There was a slight audio issue that cut my reading of the scripture. You can find it at 2 Chronicles 7: 11-22** Welcome to episode two of the second season of Zealous Conversations with Taylor Jay! This is a podcast that encourages all listeners to shine the light and the standard as believers in Christ. Today’s episode is about the importance of turning from your bad habits, humbling yourself and allowing God restore you. It's essential to our growth as believers. Don’t forget to subscribe to my new newsletter hitting inboxes! I’ll be including a quick and practical message to help you shine the light and set the standard during the week. bit.ly/zealconvonews Join in on the conversation by tweeting me twitter.com/azealousvoice, following me on Instagram instagram.com/azealousvoice and using the hashtag #ZealConvo! Also keep up with me at thezealousvoice.com Like, comment and subscribe! Theme music: @marcmathias