Play This!

Episode 014 - Evoland 2



Here comes a new player! While Max is on paternal leave, Daniel welcomes Sean as Play This!'s first temporary co-host. The new duo talk about Gamescom announcements, Daniel's love of Wario, and Sean's love of Monster Hunter. Daniel and Sean then give their full impressions of Evoland 2, a celebration of gaming history that... overdoes the celebration a little sometimes. Finally, Daniel gives Sean his first Play This! recommendation: a game from which there is... zero escape. (This episode was recorded September 3, 2018) 01:29 Video Game News 21:39 What Else We've Been Playing 51:49 Evoland 2 1:03:08 Evoland 2 Spoilers Start Here 1:53:56 Play This: 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors Play This! Logo by Kessi Riliniki Play This! Theme by Sean Francis