Heart & Hustle Visionary Healers, Movers & Shakers

Episode 15 - Heart and Hustle with Paulette Rees-Denis and guest Laura Rowe



Heart and Hustle: Visionary Healers, Movers, and Shakers Episode 15 with Paulette Rees-Denis, with guest Laura Rowe of The Vital Spirit www.paulettereesdenis.com copyright 2017 Song by Haddoway: LIfe about Laura: I am an intuitive empath, spiritual teacher & mentor living in Portland, Oregon. I created The Vital Spirit to be an instrument in the ongoing shift in human consciousness. As a systems thinker, I educate people on the connections between mind, body, and spirit as well as our own innate ability to heal through conscious, deliberate self-awareness. I have a background in business operations and a master’s degree in organizational management. I was mentored for five years by Linda Kardos in spiritual and energy medicine teachings and a year of intuitive energy training with Trisha Michael. I have certifications in Reiki and Theta Healing. Each of us is powerful beyond measure; The Vital Spirit wishes to remind people of their power through whole-being wellness: body-mind-spirit. My healing work