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Elijah - a Character Study



In this episode Scott talks about what we can learn from Elijah. Discussion Questions: Read 1 Kings 17. How did God demonstrate his provision for Elijah out in the desert? What was he teaching Elijah? What do you think Elijah was thinking when God sent him to live with a widow and her son? What would you think of God’s plan if you were in this story? How did God continue to show his provision, to both Elijah and the widow’s family? Read 1 Kings 18:19-39 Before this showdown on Mt. Carmel, do you think Elijah thought about running away? Or do you think he was so excited he couldn’t wait? What details of the story stuck out to you? As readers & listeners to Elijah’s life, what are we learning about God’s character? Read 1 Kings 19:1-18. Often after our greatest victories, we face our greatest temptations. Share a time when that has happened in your own life. What is the significance of God showing up in a gentle whisper instead of the wind, earthquake or fire? At times in these stories Elijah showed extrem