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Toxic Masculinity



In this episode Scott addresses what is commonly referred to as toxic masculinity. What have been your thoughts, interactions, or assumptions about the term “toxic masculinity?” What are some of society's problems that have placed the blame on toxic masculinity? Watch this Gillette commercial. What are your reactions? Do you agree or disagree with it? Why? Scott says there is no such thing as toxic masculinity because if it is toxic, it is not masculine. To be masculine is to be like Jesus because Jesus is the essence of masculinity. How does this truth challenge or sharpen what you have believed to be true about masculinity? The essence of manhood is responsibility. As men, we even need to take responsibility to help be a part of the solution to problems we didn’t cause. What are some situations you sense God calling you to be a part of the solution to by taking responsibility? As a father to a son, how are you helping him to understand and act out a biblical view of masculinity? As fathers of daughters, ho