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Guard Your Heart - Men's Conference Reflections



Scott is joined by Eric Schneider on the podcast to discuss Derwin Gray's 'Guard Your Heart' session from our Men's Conference. To watch videos of the sessions, go to 1. Eric mentioned that we as the church need to be the church that God is calling us to be. What kind of church do you feel God calling us to be? What role do you play in that? 2. Read Proverbs 4:23. What sticks out to you? What is the wellspring of life? What is the relationship between our heart and the wellspring? 3. “You will not experience healing until you come out of hiding.” Does this trouble you or give you peace? What areas of your life do you need to expose? 4. Eric asked a great question, “Who do we have that we can be recklessly honest with?” Answer this question for yourself. 5. “Isolation plus boredom always leads to destruction.” How has this tendency plagued your life? 6. No one has talked worse to you than you. What are the common comments you tell yourself? What lies about yourself have you alwa