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Jesus is King of Everything



If we believe Jesus really is king of everything, that means ALL THINGS. In this episode Scott shares thoughts on how we can keep Christ over all things in our lives. Discussion Questions: 1. Read Colossians 1:15-20. Jesus is king of everything: All things, visible and invisible, on Earth and in Heaven, everything. Do you believe that? And more importantly, how are you demonstrating it with your life? 2. Is the preeminent story of my life Jesus' preeminence? 3. Read 2 Timothy 3:14-17. The Bible is sufficient for all things. Do you believe that and more importantly, how are you demonstrating it with your life? 4. What does it mean that the Bible is... Profitable? Useful for correcting? For training in righteousness? 5. Are you prone to look to other resources before—or more often than—the Bible? What are some examples of other resources we are tempted to look toward? 6) Read 1 Timothy 4:16. This begins with me. The person we need to think about first is ourself. How are you doing with syncing up your life and