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The Good Path



There's a path God provides for men to take on responsibility and humbly steward it; a path that has a home - a place where you belong, and people you belong with. And it is good. 1) If you’re married, how old were you when you got married? What led you to marry at that age? If single, what has led you to be single to this point? 2) Scott mentioned that nothing in your life will help you become more like Jesus and learn self sacrifice than marriage and having children. How does marriage and parenting show us God’s design for His creation? How does this show us what God values most? 3) In the Bible children are viewed as having immense value and being a huge blessing. How does this differ from what culture tells us about having kids? In what ways does this challenge you? 4) There is a path to manhood that consists of self-sacrifice. Why do you think God designed it this way? Why do you think so many men today resist or delay the journey down that path? 5) What areas of our culture and communities do you see be