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A Young Marriage, with Chapman Bean



In this episode, Scott sits down with Chapman Bean to talk about life in a new marriage. 1. Why is non-sexual intimacy something many men are not good at in marriage? How do you struggle with intimacy and vulnerability in your marriage (and other relationships)? 2. Sex is one of the most complicated aspects of marriage, and it oftens goes unaddressed, with no time, thought, or conversation given to it. Why is it embarrassing for men to be honest about their sex lives? 3. What is the personality-makeup of your marriage in terms of extroversion and introversion? How has Jesus redeemed the pros and cons of these in your relationship? 4. How has Jesus sustained your love and commitment for your spouse? 5. How do you and your spouse navigate what and who is a priority in your lives? 6. What are unhealthy characteristics you see in some marriages? What about healthy characteristics? How do you see yourself growing in the healthy areas? 7. What is the most obvious way Jesus is growing you as a husband in this season