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A Treasured Marriage, with Gary Black



Gary and his wife Linda have been married for 47 years. On this episode, Gary shares memorable moments and wisdom he has learned over many years from both his own marriage and counseling married couples. 1. Tell your group the story of your first date. 2. Marriage is a journey not a destination. Share some of your journey—the highs and the lows—with everyone. What image would you use to explain where you are at on your journey? 3. How do you resonate with the thought of marriage being a “box” to check off? 4. “If you don't like what your wife is, consider what you have done to help her become that?” 5. How do you express to your wife that you cherish and value her? What is your favorite thing about your spouse? 6. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your understanding of your spouse? How well do you think they would say they understand you? 7. Who, if anyone, ever shared biblical wisdom about what it means to be a godly husband with you? 8. “Listens a lot, corrects little, cares deeply.” Would your spou