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The Time We are Given, with James Rutledge



James joins Scott for this episode to share his story. James and his wife Lauren had just married, returned from a honeymoon and were settling into life together when everything changed in the blink of an eye.   1. Where was your first date and how did it go? How long was it before you knew you were going to marry your spouse? 2. Did you ask your father-in-law for permission to marry his daughter? If so, how did that conversation go? 3. What is the scariest moment you have ever had with your spouse? Have you ever been in a situation where you thought either of your lives were in danger? 4. James mentioned the power of Jeff’s presence when he stayed overnight with him after Lauren passed away. Share a time you were blessed by a friend in a tough season. 5. Were you the kid in the family who resonated with the “prodigal son” or were you the older brother? 6. James mentioned how grief is like waves on the ocean: the ups and the downs, but that, over time, you remember less of the bad and more of the good. What