Locker Room

In Sickness and in Health, with Scott Hatfield



Scott Hatfield returns for this episode of Locker Room to talk about those important words many of us have said in our vows, " sickness and in health." Scott and his wife Sarah have walked through many tough seasons over the 27 years of their marriage. 1. Everyone has a unique story about how they met their wife. Share your story or, if not married, where you’re at in the journey toward marriage. 2. Hatfield was led by God to make some decisions relationally that paved the way for his marriage to Sarah. How do prayer, worship, and God’s word feed into your own relational world? 3. As you heard Hatfield share his story, which parts of their “adventures together” resonated most to encourage, challenge, or inspire you? 4. Sarah jokes that she was in great health and perfect condition before she and Scott met. They quickly faced challenges that required faithfulness to their vow: “In sickness and in health.” How has this vow, or another wedding vow, been a challenge and/or an anchor in your life? 5. Both Ni