How To Become A Rockstar Photographer Podcast With Matthias Hombauer

HTBARP 21 Brian Friedman: Living Your Dream As Music Photographer



Today´s guest is New York based wedding and music photographer Brian Friedman. I first bumped into his name a couple of years ago when I was reading his article on F Stoppers on how he went from part time to full time music photographer. Brian shared his 7 top tips including “You have to believe in yourself. When you do this dreams can and do come true”. I totally agree on this, because I had similar experiences and therefore I wanted to have Brian on the show to discuss this topic in more detail In addition Brian gives us a reality check on how the photography business really works and why we all have to hustle in order to be successful. He will share his stories when he met celebrities such as Lady Gaga and Barack Obama and he will explain why you should find your own vision.