How To Become A Rockstar Photographer Podcast With Matthias Hombauer

HTBAR 23 Ebru Yildiz: Shooting A 75-Day Music Festival



My guest in this episode is Brooklyn based portrait and music photographer Ebru Yildiz. Ebru will talk about her approach when she is shooting portraits and I can guarantee you, it´s great stuff and you`ll learn a lot from her. She will give us a She will give us a behind the scenes look at her book „We´ve come so far“, a project where Ebru was working and shooting concerts for 75 days in a row! When I first heard about it, I couldn´t believe it. Imagine shooting concerts for 75 days in a row without any break. This is crazy and therefore I love this interview so much because Ebrus story shows what you can reach in life when you´re passionate about a project and you pour in the hours. We will also discuss how to self-publish a photo book (a topic that I also discussed with Alexander Hallag in Episode 6) and we will show you which strategies work best.