How To Become A Rockstar Photographer Podcast With Matthias Hombauer

HTBARP 36 Scott Kelby: Being a Photographer, Author, and Entrepreneur



Let’s be honest with you. When I got the confirmation that Scott Kelby is joining my show I couldn’t believe it. I had to read the email from his assistant twice, before I realized that this is really going to happen. When I started my journey as a beginner photographer I was overwhelmed with all the gear choices and settings. I didn’t have any clue where to start unless I found Scott Kelby's book series “The Digital Photography Book”. They are so well written and easy to follow. Not only started my photos to look way better than before, but his books started my passion for photography. Since then I am following Scott on social media, read some of his 60+ books that he published and see him as a mentor not only as a photographer, but also as an entrepreneur. Scott is exactly the type of overachiever I am looking up to, This episode is jam-packed with insider tips on photography, business and music and Scott will share some entertaining stories that are not only funny, but you can learn a lot from someone who