How To Become A Rockstar Photographer Podcast With Matthias Hombauer

HTBARP 51 Naomi Dryden-Smith: Copyright Law for Music Photographers



Before my short podcast break in April I promised in the words of my Austrian fellow, Arnold Schwarzenegger “I’ll be back”, And here I am. After 50 episodes interviewing the most inspiring music photographers on this planet I am prepared and ready for another 50! As I already mentioned a couple of times before my aim is to interview 100 of the most successful music photographers and then writing a book about my key findings which should help you to learn all the shortcuts and strategies that work when becoming a concert photographer. I am super excited about today's episode because I know that this topic is one of the most misunderstood but at the same time the most important one for every concert photographer. Today, I am going to discuss with my colleague Naomi Dryden-Smith, a. Concert photographer and Copyright lawyer the nuts and bolts of copyright law. I got a lot of questions such as am I able to sell my photos I took of concerts, are foreign contracts of bands legal when I sign them, what should I do w