Fit & Nourished Mind With Emily Gough And Kate Hoerner

014 - Alcohol and the Effects on Fat Loss, Health and Life



We get real with our #RealTalkWithoutBorders today talking about our wardrobe malfunctions and our kitchen mishaps. If you didn't already understand our spacey, klutzy will after this. Then we get into it, and this episode is JUICY. We asked our Podcast Facebook group what they thought about alcohol, and how often they enjoy a drink or two (or ten). The amount of responses and comments that we got was remarkable, so we wanted to do an entire episode about it. We talk about the pros and cons of drinking, how it affects our health and fitness, and we sprinkle in lots of our personal experiences with alcohol over the years. Some topics covered: Binge and underage drinking Women and alcohol: from mommy memes to harsher criticism than male drinkers Social situations and "party friends" Effects on your mood, including different types of alcohol How to determine if alcohol is the right choice for YOUR lifestyle...and when it might not be. This episode is a must listen, for sure.  Join the conversation