Fit & Nourished Mind With Emily Gough And Kate Hoerner

043 - Introvert vs. Extrovert: Managing to Play to Your Strengths



Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Maybe you're not totally sure, which is totally okay! We weren't either. Actually, finding out which one you are could surprise you, but we think it's important to know... Understanding whether you're an introvert (like Em), or extrovert, or somewhere in between (like Kate), can really help you manage your energy, and energy management is crucial to living our best life in all aspects- work, relationships, achieving our goals, etc. etc. On the flip side, many of you probably know which bucket you fall into...Or do you? So many of us think we're introverts or extroverts because of the myths around what these terms actually mean. We talk about this a lot in this episode, but here are a few things worth noting: -Being an introvert does not equate to being shy -Being an introvert does not mean you hate being around people -Being a "social butterfly" does not necessarily mean you're extroverted -Determining where you feel most energized is the first step in determining if you'