Pitney & Amelia's Bitchen Boutique

Majors and Minors and Courts, Oh My!



This week we're talking tarot! Learn how tarot can be a useful tool, even for non-believers like Amelia. Learn about the structure of the tarot deck (major and minor arcana, suits, court cards), and how card meanings work based on their position and the intuition of the reader. Also, we discuss weird public perceptions of what tarot is about, and how to choose a deck that will work for you. And, as always, we laugh a lot along the way. No year of woo segment this week, because the whole episode is borderline woo! Promo: Brook Reading Podcast (Want to swap show promos? Email us!) We love you for listening! Please take a moment to rate and review us, and earn a STICKER! (Everyone loves stickers!) And please subscribe or add us to your favorites list on your favorite platform so you never miss a show! And share us with your cool friends, not the lame ones. Questions? Comments? Complaints? Write to us at PitneyAndAmelia@gmail.com! Tweet at us at @bitchenboutique! Stay up to date by liking our Facebook page! Joi