Pitney & Amelia's Bitchen Boutique

The Rubber Chicken Incident



Certain intimate details about Cyberpunk 2077.  People at work who hate us. Insights and revelations about forgiving abusers. And, this week in self-care: making yourself a priority.   Promos: 2 Skeptical Chaps  and Aim For The Head Podcast  (Want to swap show promos? Email us!) We love you for listening! Please take a moment to rate and review us, and earn a STICKER! (Everyone loves stickers!) And please subscribe or add us to your favorites list on your favorite platform so you never miss a show! And share us with your cool friends, not the lame ones. Questions? Comments? Complaints? Write to us at PitneyAndAmelia@gmail.com! Tweet at us at @bitchenboutique! Stay up to date by liking our Facebook page! If you want to be supportive without a lot of stuff cluttering your feed, follow us on Instagram at pitneyandamelia! (Really, we barely post over there.) And if you're feeling generous, buy yourself a little something at our Zazzle shop and help to support our show! (Turn off that Content Filter to see the "u