Storystash Books

Chapter 6: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim



Oh my goodness do I have a fantastic chapter in store for you. After weeks of tough chapters with the agony and tension of uncertainty Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Arbuthnot have finally arrived...  When I think back to the more stressful times in my life - beleaguered by expectations, the pressure of daily life, and the flurry of activity it takes just to get through one normal day - and then moving from that into vacation is like night and day. After the flurry of (extra) activity it takes to get ready for said vacation, once I get there the weight lifts of with surprising speed and I start seeing the world through different eyes. And that is exactly what you have in store for you in this next chapter of the Enchanted April. My friends, we’ve been through the dreary English days and now we have finally made it to the crystal clear blue Italian skies of San Salvatore where we get to finally discover the riches that lie in wait for Mrs. Arbuthnot, Mrs. Wilkins, Mrs. Fisher and Lady Caroline Dester.