Storystash Books

Chapter 10: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim



Today's note is actually a thank you. Thank you to all my high school English teachers and the work you put into us, and really, for making us do vocabulary lessons. I even had a teacher that had us do an additional, college-level book of vocabulary so that as we moved through the world, we would have a better understanding of the words we encountered - and hopefully be able to pronounce them correctly too. Looking back, there was always a struggle to learn each week's new words and the attitude that vocab was just busy work. Now, however, I see how those lessons still help me today to read through and understand the pictures drawn for me by the words in every book.    I have experienced this pressing appreciation for words lately. Because of reading older books, I read more words I don't immediately know. This week the word I learned was "marchioness" and the definition, according to Merriam-Webster, is a woman holding the rank of marquess (ranking above an earl and below a duke) in her own right. Also, the