Storystash Books

Chapter 11 - The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim



Mrs. Wilkins is definitely aware of how thankful she is to be in the new, breathtaking surroundings of San Salvatore. It helps quite a bit that she allowed herself to be transformed immediately - there were no protests, no struggles against change for her! But Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Arbuthnot are in very different places than our sweet Mrs. Wilkins. Not surprisingly, Mrs. Fisher is as much Mrs. Fisher than she ever was. She has had many, many more years to develop (in her opinion) the RIGHT way to do things and envelope herself in those traditions. On the other hand, Mrs. Arbuthnot has stayed busy to avoid dealing with the situations she found herself in (amazing that they did that too in the early 1900s) and now that she's surrounded by the quiet beauty of San Salvatore, she has quite a bit of catching up to do.    Last week we left our two originals, Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Arbuthnot, just caught by Mrs. Fisher in the room she had reserved for her own personal use. What will she ever do with these two hooligans