
Seasonal Check-In// Nourishing Vata



Today's episode is made possible by the Wildcat Yoga Club, an online clubhouse for practice, study and connection. We launch so soon. Membership in the club gives you access to over 8 years of past podcasts and all forthcoming audio and video practices, plus lectures, tutorials, video Q&A sessions and a monthly group online meditation circle plus discounts on all courses, retreats and products. All for $15 per month. I have the privilege of connecting with so many brilliant students around the world. Now, the Wildcat Yoga Club will connect all of you! A dream come true. To receive an invitation, submit your email here. Welcome to the new season, a wonderful time to reflect on the work of the previous season and the direction of the new one. Questions for reflection: What challenged me? What inspired me? What did I eat? How did I sleep? What was my movement practice like? What was happening in the world and in the sky? Into the present: Where am I now? What’s my overall state? Finally, into the next season