Center Point Assembly

Beatitudes - Defining God's Blessings - Audio



Sunday, July 11, 2021 – Welcome to our Sunday Worship service. Today we are beginning a new study about Jesus’s teachings that we call the Beatitudes. Reading through this passage in Matthew 5, we see the word Blessed used numerous times. What is Jesus meaning by this? So, we are going to try to define what God’s Blessings really mean for us. We know from scripture that it is God’s heart and will to bless us, yet we find that He gives us a choice in if we will receive and walk under the Blessing that He gives. One of the biggest takeaways from today’s message is that God’s Blessings don’t always appear to be blessings to us in the moment, but in the end they always are. We can also misuse God’s Blessings and turn them into a Curse if we’re not keeping our eyes focused on Christ. A simple definition of God’s blessings is this: “It’s anything, good or bad, that turns our eyes on Jesus”. Let that settle into your