Citr -- Arts Report

From Music to Film



Today's episode features two interviews and two reviews. We started off by Henri's review of Red Snow, "a dramatic feature that begins when Dylan, a Gwich’in soldier from the Canadian Arctic, is caught in an ambush in Afghanistan". Check it out at We then continued with Deon's interview that they had with Derek Chan, playwright and director of yellow objects, a show that is an innovative resistance against tyranny. Deon followed this with their review of The Essentials, presented by the Cultch and to finish off, we had Serra's interview with Jacob Gramit and Kira Fondse. Jacob is the artistic manager of Musica Intima and Kira is one of their sopranos and they talked about The Beginning of the Song. Timestamps: Review of Red Snow 6:58Interview with Derek Chan 17:48Review of The Essentials 40:02Interview with Jacob Gramit & Kira Fondse 45:50