Ruf Arkansas

Praying For Joy | Psalm 84



We finish a 5-week series entitled, "Psalms: Praying Our Emotions." We will be looking at how the Psalms teach us to pray the emotions of Anger, Sadness, Fear, and Joy. Emotions are important because they reveal our hearts and what we care most about.  We are not to give up our emotions (suppress or ignore them), give in to our emotions (act on every impulse we have), but GIVE our emotions to God, that is, pray our emotions to the God who made our emotions.We finish with something we all long! Joy begins with a longing, leads us on a journey through the wilderness, but ends in the presence of God. Along the way we'll also discuss threats to joy in our life. Wanting more joy in your life? Psalm 84 shows us what and how to pray.TEXT: Psalm 84