Super Movie Ball Podcast

003 - Unmasking the Idol[1986]



Unmasking the Idol 

 We are shaken but not deterred. ;) 

 Arriving fashionably late to a mission briefing, Mack and Peter, discover the underwhelming task of viewing the island of lameness that is "Unmasking the Idol". These cinema agents of the weird and unexplainable investigate what makes this 80s James Bond counterfeit tick. Is it a silly spoof or an inept attempt at thrilling espionage? Outfitted with the latest in podcast gadgetry our clandestine operatives aim at bringing this feeble, live-action cartoon to it's knees. Ninjas, hidden treasures, a secret island of danger, a genius baboon, a flying truck and a ruthless over-the-top villain cannot save this very weak entry. Here is hoping these fellas have some caffeine with them. 

 #supermovieball #unmaskingtheidol #ninjajax 

 Follow Us: - web @supermovieball - twitter supermovieball - gmail super-movie-ball - soundcloud Music By: -Intro Original_Music by Joe D'Agostino -Outro By RoccoW & xyce