Super Movie Ball Podcast

012 - Threat Level Midnight[2011]



Threat Level Midnight 

 Is it weird to anyone else that Michael NEVER used the phrase: "That's what she said.." in the movie he made? 

 Sooooo, somehow our sardonic cinema citizens, Mack and Peter, think that "Threat Level Midnight" is a real short film by an independent filmmaker named Michael Scott. These two bozos also got it in their heads that the Season 7 - Episode 17 of the 'The Office' is fan edit of the real short film AND the behind the scenes screening of said film. Not sure what alternate reality of the internet they are using or what slimy rock they have been living under to not know what 'The Office' is but they do an actual full review of Michael Scott's instant classic "Threat Level Midnight". *FACEPALMS* Just listen and you will see what I mean. What is wrong with them? Or maybe an easier question is what is RIGHT with them? Let's start there... Anywho, enjoy. 

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