Super Movie Ball Podcast

015 - Annihilation[2018]




 Super Movie Ball's quick take episode: Bonus Stage!! 

 Mack, our movie loving buddy, is stuck on a boundless desert of planet known as the modern movie theater. Searching for what else but gems, precious movie gems. Sifting through much of the cinematic trash of late, "Annihilation"[2018] might be what he has been looking for. A second directorial feature from writer/director, Alex Garland. What does our unflinching movie goer find from this psychological science fiction horror film? Spoiler-free tidbits inside this episode, so jump right in my gals and guys! 

 #SuperMovieBall #Annihilation #AlexGarland #Netflix 

 Follow Us: = web supermovieball = twitter = email super-movie-ball = soundcloud 

 Music By: Intro = By Riley Bowman Outro = By Riley Bowman