Super Movie Ball Podcast

025 - The Dark Backward[1991]



The Dark Backward[1991] 

 Super Movie Ball's quick take episode: Bonus Stage!! 

 Having nowhere to go and nothing to see Peter decides to a bus to place no one has been before in hopes of uncovering a treasure. Boarding the bus seems easy enough and it is and he does. Choosing a sit can be a chore but one seat is just right for looking out the vehicle's bay window and being far enough away from the other riders. The stale smell of generic disinfectant is just enough not to be too overpowering but noticeably present, like smell itself is a rider of the bus, quiet and content. He can feel how old the bus is from it's mechanical rumbles and creaks. The noises could put him to sleep if they were more rhythmic and less grading. The scenery lumbering by is nothing special and the chit-chat he has amongst one of the riders is somehow both better and worse. Perhaps 1991's "The Dark Backward" by Adam Rifkin will light a beacon to guide our movie adventurer to greener pastures? The bus makes a stop. No one ge