Don't Speak

Don't PREACH! w/ Period Preacher Lucy Peach



Amy has sailed her boat up from her office job through the rain to top and tail the pod this week - where our subject is PERIODS, AND PEACHES, for Series 2 pod DON'T PREACH* *do, please do. This week Miriam speaks to Lucy Peach, Period Preacher and Folk Pop Singer. Sitting on the floor of the Brighthelm Centre in the Doghouse venue at Brighton Fringe the two chat as Lucy does her make-up before the show, ‘My Greatest Period Ever.’ Covering topics from ‘the party before you go out partying is the best bit’ through to Period, channeling your fury, the Music Industry and being a woman this is a tight 30 mins from a woman about to do her day job on stage! Lucy Peach is gaining notoriety of the best kind - as a open and brilliant source of info and guidance on how to harness the power of the period. Looking at the hormonal changes throughout a cycle enables us to understand why we feel how we feel. Watch Lucy’s TedX talk here Follow Lucy here on insta @lucyspeac