America Won't Shut Up

About Playing with Tape! with Casey Donahue & Halle Kiefer



If you're like us, this week you're having a hard time sleeping, because America just will not shut up about Playing with Tape! On today's episode, we talk to the CEO of Adhesives United, Tape Davidson. And if you think this guy is your typical CEO, guess again. Of course, we'll also take a look at the downside of this trend, when we talk to Myst Stiffman, who despite being a nice person, now looks like an androgynous gremlin due to the effects of years of playing with tape abuse. We're once again paid a visit from our good ol' puzzling friend, The Befuddler. And as always, we'll take a look at the nation's headlines and check in on the wonderful world of twitter. All that, plus music from the Foo Fighters. This week on America Won't Shut Up! Our guests this week are Casey Donahue ( and Halle Kiefer ( Follow us on twitter @hashtagawsuEmail the show at